We’re thrilled that you’re exploring how God relates to your family and child(ren) and we’d love to help you in this journey.

Your family’s journey with God...


Thanksgiving is ordinarily the most appropriate first step for most parents who are new to church, as it doesn’t require making the weighty promises of the Baptism Service. Whilst we recognise that for some people this step is enough for them at the present time, we do hope that Thanksgiving is only the beginning of a lifelong journey of faith in Jesus for your family. Therefore our hope and prayer is that you and your family will become a part of our church family here through regular church attendance and participation.

Service of Thanksgiving

This simple service is exactly what its name suggests—a time to say ‘thank you’ to God for the wonderful gift of your child(ren), to ask for his blessing on the child(ren) and the family, and to pray for you as parents in your vital role. Parents are welcome to include (unofficial) godparents in the service. The Thanksgiving takes place within a regular morning service, and the congregation is always delighted to welcome new families into its midst.


Baptism is a wonderful, but also a weighty, step to take. So we invite you to join our church-family, have a thanksgiving, and attend regularly for some time, so that you can get to know us and we can get to know you, before we have a conversation about baptism. If at that point baptism seems to be the right next step for you, we offer a course of baptism preparation which helps to explain the meaning of baptism and how this is expressed in the baptism service.

Baptism Service

Baptism is about belonging to Jesus Christ, through trusting in him, and belonging to his people, that is the church. The Baptism Service involves the parent(s) and godparents making promises before God and the church that they turn away from living a life without reference to God, that they are trusting in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and seeking to live a life following his commandments. Being a parent or godparent requires promising to be an example of vibrant Christian faith to your child(ren) and to encourage them to grow as a disciple of Christ within the family of the church.

Please complete our Baptism form if you would like to discuss Thanksgiving and Baptism further.